Protecting the Voices of Tennessee Against Deepfaking AI

By: Maddie Rudge

Although both Acts are not perfect right now, litigation will expose their biggest issues if they are enacted. Then, such issues will be resolved by the court system. If the legislative body does not like those solutions, or finds the court’s solutions to be lacking, then they will propose amendments to the bills. The current priority lies in safeguarding individuals, regardless of their fame, through the use of generative AI. It’s imperative that nobody should have their voice or likeness manipulated to portray actions or utterances they haven’t actually made.

Every person should have control over their own voice and image, no matter what technological advances are made. Tennessee is the first State to create legislation protecting its citizens from deepfaking AI, ahead of the curve in a progressing issue. Other states should follow in Tennessee’s foot steps to create protections against generative AI.



